how solo travel changed everything.

Cari Shore, once a banking exec, now a solo world explorer, is all about embracing curiosity, courage, and full-on living. Her global adventures aren’t just about hitting up tourist spots - she dives into different cultures, forming connections with folks whose stories add a whole new dimension to her life. Traveling ignited a profound appreciation for the world's diversity in Cari, fueling her desire to bridge gaps through meaningful relationships.

While planning her own trips, she was searching for adventure, authenticity and friendship. Cari found that there were limited options and resources for LGBTQ+ travel. She realized she needed more than guidebooks; she needed a vibe, a gang!

Aspiring Bohemian is a love letter to community and self-discovery. Come join us to swap successes, tackle obstacles head-on, discover breathtaking places, and get lost in the magic of traveling the world.
